2016 Achievements
- CIFOR scientists Peter Cronkleton and Anne Larson received the Outstanding Article Award from the journal Society & Natural Resources for their article on land tenure in the Amazon.
- The Rights and Resources Initiative and the International Land Coalition have taken up initial findings from the Global Comparative Study on Forest Tenure Reform in Peru, Indonesia and Uganda. Research in Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Nepal is underway.
- Colombia has undertaken important land reforms that recognize different forms of collective tenure rights. In 2016, CIFOR researchers working with Javeriana University identified barriers to Afro-Caribbean communities obtaining legal recognition of their historical rights to over 2 million hectares of land.
- New research with Nepal partner ForestAction found that Nepal’s policy of returning forest rights to local communities led to higher investments in environmentally sustainable forest-based businesses. In 2017, ForestAction will use these findings in an initiative to revise forest regulations.
Women don’t want handouts. Women want to be engaged because it makes sense for their achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, and because it makes sense for business. We want to make sure that we have strong evidence that is making that case for the prominence of women’s engagement.
Wanjira Mathai, Director of Partnership on Women’s Entrepreneurship in Renewables (wPOWER) Hub at the Wangari Maathai Institute, in an interview at the 2016 Global Landscapes Forum in Marrakesh
Expert analysis
- CIFOR worked with the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil to incorporate gender-explicit criteria in their standards using our analysis on women and oil palm.
- Our work on mangrove tenure and governance – published as a global review and field-based research reports on Tanzania and Indonesia – will continue, complementing the biophysical research of the Sustainable Wetlands Adaptation and Mitigation Program (SWAMP).
All Gender and tenure publications >
Global outreach
CIFOR’s gender and tenure experts engaged with peers at events from Washington, DC to Marrakesh, Morocco, presenting the latest evidence on topics ranging from forest tenure for climate resilience to women in wildlife management.
- Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP13), Cancun, Mexico
- Global Landscapes Forum – Climate Action for Sustainable Development, Marrakesh, Morocco
- World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty, Washington DC, USA
Photo by Y. Gutierrez/CIFOR.